Category: Moving Tips

Specialist Piano Movers: How Many People Does it Take to Move a Piano?

The answer depends on both the piano and the people involved. Specialist piano movers will be able to do more with fewer people and they’ll know exactly what it takes to safely move any piano, from the smallest Spinet Piano to the biggest Concert Grand. Be warned- most everyday moving companies don’t have a lot of experience…
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4 Steps To Get To Know Your New Neighborhood

Maybe you’re one of the lucky ones that once the neighbors saw the moving truck, they were at your doorstep—casserole dish in hand. More than likely, this wasn’t the case and you’ll have to reach out to your neighbors to settle in your new neighborhood. 1. FIND OPPORTUNITIES Create opportunities for conversation and be the first to say…
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5 Must-Have Items for Moving Day

Things get crazy on moving day. Stuff breaks, the movers are late, you come across a drawer you thought you’d emptied. You get the picture. There’s no way to predict what kind of shenanigans are in store, so the best you can do is be prepared and have the right supplies for those just-in-case moments on the horizon. MOVING SUPPLIES We’ve…
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Moving with Pets NYC

Before moving day ever gets here you’re already frazzled. You’ve rented a truck, met with movers, consulted utility companies, done a million other things and now you need to finish packing. Moving is tricky enough for us humans so imagine how confusing it is for your pets when things inside the home start getting shuffled…
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Tips for Moving Your Outdoor Furniture and Plants

As a midwesterner, you enjoy your outdoor furniture when the sun is out and the humidity is low. Of course you’re going to take it all with you when you move, but how do you pack your outdoor pieces? As a professional moving company, we know all about moving the odds and ends of your…
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Tips for Staying Organized While Moving

If you’re like one in every five American families, you’ll be making a move this year. Since moving can feel like an organizational hazard, the best thing you can do is start getting things in order as early as possible. The thought of packing up everything you and your family own is daunting, especially when…
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