
How To Move With Plants

According to, 66% of all U.S. households own at least one houseplant. Plants are aesthetically pleasing, relatively easy to take care of, and bring color, life, and a sense of tranquility into any environment. Moreover, plants are beneficial to our health. Not only do they purify the air around us, but they’re also proven to…
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Winter Moving Tips NYC

Many people are afraid to move during the winter months in New York City, which is completely understandable. After all, how are you supposed to lug around boxes while wearing mittens? What if a snowstorm hits right on moving day? Won’t it take movers longer? Those are certainly legitimate concerns about winter moving, but they…
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How to Pack Small Appliances

When you’re preparing to pack for a household move, the kitchen often feels like the most complicated room in the house. After all, it’s filled with fragile, heavy, and oddly shaped objects, many of which are costly to replace. And along with the glassware and china, there’s another tricky category to consider: small appliances. Blenders, toasters,…
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11 Items To Discard or Rehome When Moving

You can save money and time by limiting the items you need to move. Here are some things to discard or rehome when making a residential move. 1. Books Books are heavy. Sort through your collection and keep only favorites. Have a mini-book fair in your home before leaving and invite friends to take books. Or donate your…
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5 Top Family Fun Outings In Queens, NY

Are you ready to move to the Big Apple? There’s no doubt that you’ll have a lengthy list of things you’ll want to do with your family. So if you’re settling down in a new residential home in Queens, check out these fun local attractions that you can enjoy with little ones in tow. 1. Jungle…
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Top Moving Hacks for a Smoother and Cheaper Move

There are some people who will live in the same place their whole life and other people who seem to move every few months. Most people fall somewhere in between. In fact, the average American moves around 11.7 times throughout their life. No matter how often you move though, it’s never easy. Luckily, you can follow some…
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Moving with Cats

Planning a relocation can be a big change for any one person. There’s boxes to pack, movers to call, calendars to update, and goodbyes to be had. Garfield, your feline pal, unfortunately may not be able to help you with those tasks. What’s more: you may be excited about the change, but your furry friend…
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How To Pack Electronics When Moving

When packing and unpacking during a move, electronic devices can be a hassle. Whether you hire professional movers or go it alone, packing electronics properly can actually be downright grueling. So, among our various other moving tips, we’ve compiled a comprehensive step-by-step guide to packing and unpacking electronics to ensure you are good to go when settling into…
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How To Move To NYC Without A Job? All You Need To Know

If moving to a new city is scary, fun, challenging, exciting, and generally life-changing, then moving to the capital of the world is all of the above times a gazillion. And it’s one thing if you’ve got a steady income, but moving to NYC with no job? Well, some would say that’s just plain crazy……
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How Much Should I Tip My Movers In NYC?

Moving is a strenuous and physically demanding job. Therefore, it is no surprise that many choose to hire a moving company to ease the burden—particularly when moving in New York City areas. Using moving services can make relocating to a new home or office much more streamlined, efficient, and relaxing. And like many other services, customers may…
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